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Bases: BaseNode, ABC

Base node that handles UUIDs and URLs.

Source code in src/cript/nodes/
class UUIDBaseNode(BaseNode, ABC):
    Base node that handles UUIDs and URLs.

    # Class attribute that caches all nodes created
    _uuid_cache: Dict = {}

    class JsonAttributes(BaseNode.JsonAttributes):
        All shared attributes between all Primary nodes and set to their default values

        uuid: str = field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))
        updated_by: Any = None
        created_by: Any = None
        created_at: str = ""
        updated_at: str = ""

    _json_attrs: JsonAttributes = JsonAttributes()

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # initialize Base class with node
        # Respect uuid if passed as argument, otherwise construct uuid from uid
        uuid = kwargs.get("uuid", get_uuid_from_uid(self.uid))
        # replace name and notes within PrimaryBase
        self._json_attrs = replace(self._json_attrs, uuid=uuid)

        # Place successfully created node in the UUID cache
        self._uuid_cache[uuid] = self

    def uuid(self) -> uuid.UUID:
        return uuid.UUID(self._json_attrs.uuid)

    def url(self):
        from cript.api.api import _get_global_cached_api

        api = _get_global_cached_api()
        return f"{}/{self.uuid}"

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        node = super().__deepcopy__(memo)
        node._json_attrs = replace(node._json_attrs, uuid=get_uuid_from_uid(node.uid))
        return node

    def updated_by(self):
        return self._json_attrs.updated_by

    def created_by(self):
        return self._json_attrs.created_by

    def updated_at(self):
        return self._json_attrs.updated_at

    def created_at(self):
        return self._json_attrs.created_at

JsonAttributes dataclass

Bases: JsonAttributes

All shared attributes between all Primary nodes and set to their default values

Source code in src/cript/nodes/
class JsonAttributes(BaseNode.JsonAttributes):
    All shared attributes between all Primary nodes and set to their default values

    uuid: str = field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))
    updated_by: Any = None
    created_by: Any = None
    created_at: str = ""
    updated_at: str = ""