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Bases: PrimaryBaseNode


A Project is the highest level node that is Not nested inside any other node. A Project can be thought of as a folder that can contain Collections and Materials.

attribute type description
collection List[Collection] collections that relate to the project
materials List[Materials] materials owned by the project
notes str miscellaneous information, or custom data structure
JSON Representation
   "name":"my project name",
        "name":"my collection name",
               "name":"my experiment name",
Source code in src/cript/nodes/primary_nodes/
class Project(PrimaryBaseNode):
    ## Definition
    A [Project](
    is the highest level node that is Not nested inside any other node.
    A Project can be thought of as a folder that can contain [Collections](../collection) and

    | attribute  | type             | description                                         |
    | collection | List[Collection] | collections that relate to the project              |
    | materials  | List[Materials]  | materials owned by the project                      |
    | notes      | str              | miscellaneous information, or custom data structure |

    ## JSON Representation
       "name":"my project name",
            "name":"my collection name",
                   "name":"my experiment name",

    class JsonAttributes(PrimaryBaseNode.JsonAttributes):
        all Project attributes

        member: List[User] = field(default_factory=list)
        admin: List[User] = field(default_factory=list)
        collection: List[Collection] = field(default_factory=list)
        material: List[Material] = field(default_factory=list)

    _json_attrs: JsonAttributes = JsonAttributes()

    def __init__(self, name: str, collection: Optional[List[Collection]] = None, material: Optional[List[Material]] = None, notes: str = "", **kwargs):
        Create a Project node with Project name

        >>> import cript
        >>> my_project = cript.Project(name="my Project name")

        name: str
            project name
        collection: List[Collection]
            list of Collections that belongs to this Project
         material: List[Material]
            list of materials that belongs to this project
        notes: str
            notes for this project

            instantiate a Project node
        super().__init__(name=name, notes=notes, **kwargs)

        if collection is None:
            collection = []

        if material is None:
            material = []

        self._json_attrs = replace(self._json_attrs, name=name, collection=collection, material=material)

    def validate(self, api=None, is_patch=False, force_validation: bool = False):
        from cript.nodes.exceptions import (

        # First validate like other nodes
        super().validate(api=api, is_patch=is_patch, force_validation=force_validation)

        # Check graph for orphaned nodes, that should be listed in project
        # Project.materials should contain all material nodes
        project_graph_materials = self.find_children({"node": ["Material"]})
        # Combine all materials listed in the project inventories
        project_inventory_materials = []
        for inventory in self.find_children({"node": ["Inventory"]}):
            for material in inventory.material:
        for material in project_graph_materials:
            if material not in self.material and material not in project_inventory_materials:
                raise CRIPTOrphanedMaterialError(material)

        # Check graph for orphaned nodes, that should be listed in the experiments
        project_experiments = self.find_children({"node": ["Experiment"]})
        # There are 4 different types of nodes Experiments are collecting.
        node_types = ("Process", "Computation", "ComputationProcess", "Data")
        # We loop over them with the same logic
        for node_type in node_types:
            # All in the graph has to be in at least one experiment
            project_graph_nodes = self.find_children({"node": [node_type]})
            node_type_attr = node_type.lower()
            # Non-consistent naming makes this necessary for Computation Process
            if node_type == "ComputationProcess":
                node_type_attr = "computation_process"

            # Concatenation of all experiment attributes (process, computation, etc.)
            # Every node of the graph must be present somewhere in this concatenated list.
            experiment_nodes = []
            for experiment in project_experiments:
                for ex_node in getattr(experiment, node_type_attr):
            for node in project_graph_nodes:
                if node not in experiment_nodes:
                    raise get_orphaned_experiment_exception(node)

    def member(self) -> List[User]:
        return self._json_attrs.member.copy()

    def admin(self) -> List[User]:
        return self._json_attrs.admin

    def collection(self) -> List[Collection]:
        Collection is a Project node's property that can be set during creation in the constructor
        or later by setting the project's property

        >>> import cript
        >>> my_project = cript.Project(name="my Project name")
        >>> my_new_collection = cript.Collection(name="my collection name")
        >>> my_project.collection = [my_new_collection]

        Collection: List[Collection]
            the list of collections within this project
        return self._json_attrs.collection

    def collection(self, new_collection: List[Collection]) -> None:
        set list of collections for the project node

        new_collection: List[Collection]

        new_attrs = replace(self._json_attrs, collection=new_collection)

    def material(self) -> List[Material]:
        List of Materials that belong to this Project.

        >>> import cript
        >>> my_project = cript.Project(name="my Project name")
        >>> identifier = [{"bigsmiles": "my big smiles"}]
        >>> my_material = cript.Material(name="my material", identifier=identifier)
        >>> my_project.material = [my_material]

        Material: List[Material]
            List of materials that belongs to this project
        return self._json_attrs.material

    def material(self, new_materials: List[Material]) -> None:
        set the list of materials for this project

        new_materials: List[Material]

        new_attrs = replace(self._json_attrs, material=new_materials)

collection: List[Collection] property writable

Collection is a Project node's property that can be set during creation in the constructor or later by setting the project's property


>>> import cript
>>> my_project = cript.Project(name="my Project name")
>>> my_new_collection = cript.Collection(name="my collection name")
>>> my_project.collection = [my_new_collection]


Name Type Description
Collection List[Collection]

the list of collections within this project

material: List[Material] property writable

List of Materials that belong to this Project.


>>> import cript
>>> my_project = cript.Project(name="my Project name")
>>> identifier = [{"bigsmiles": "my big smiles"}]
>>> my_material = cript.Material(name="my material", identifier=identifier)
>>> my_project.material = [my_material]


Name Type Description
Material List[Material]

List of materials that belongs to this project

JsonAttributes dataclass

Bases: JsonAttributes

all Project attributes

Source code in src/cript/nodes/primary_nodes/
class JsonAttributes(PrimaryBaseNode.JsonAttributes):
    all Project attributes

    member: List[User] = field(default_factory=list)
    admin: List[User] = field(default_factory=list)
    collection: List[Collection] = field(default_factory=list)
    material: List[Material] = field(default_factory=list)

__init__(name, collection=None, material=None, notes='', **kwargs)

Create a Project node with Project name


>>> import cript
>>> my_project = cript.Project(name="my Project name")


Name Type Description Default
name str

project name

collection Optional[List[Collection]]

list of Collections that belongs to this Project material: List[Material] list of materials that belongs to this project

notes str

notes for this project



Type Description

instantiate a Project node

Source code in src/cript/nodes/primary_nodes/
def __init__(self, name: str, collection: Optional[List[Collection]] = None, material: Optional[List[Material]] = None, notes: str = "", **kwargs):
    Create a Project node with Project name

    >>> import cript
    >>> my_project = cript.Project(name="my Project name")

    name: str
        project name
    collection: List[Collection]
        list of Collections that belongs to this Project
     material: List[Material]
        list of materials that belongs to this project
    notes: str
        notes for this project

        instantiate a Project node
    super().__init__(name=name, notes=notes, **kwargs)

    if collection is None:
        collection = []

    if material is None:
        material = []

    self._json_attrs = replace(self._json_attrs, name=name, collection=collection, material=material)